Unnerving Polaroid Photos Discovered in Abandoned Rockford, Illinois Factory
These abandoned Rockford videos are my favorite thing on the internet, hands down. The fact that anyone dares enter these old abandoned buildings in Rockford takes so guts...You never know what you will find. If this place housed chemicals and paints and glues etc, don't you think the actual building would be pretty hazardous?
Built in 1929, the Testor Model Paint Factory in Rockford, Illinois is now yet another abandoned building. A man by the name Axel Karlson, had been working on a glue substance known as "Karlsons Klister" (klister is Swedish for glue) for use in the repair of women's stockings but figured out that this product had other uses. In February 1929, Karlson convinced the manager of the Woolworth store in the Swedish district of Rockford to serve as office manager of his new business idea. Eventually, The Testor Chemical Company was founded, and a product line was expanded in 1936. The rest is glue and paint, and messy history.

According to this YouTube video the third floor of this building was, "used for surveillance by Rockford to bust the gang known as the Titanic Stones."
Who knows if that is actually true, but it makes for a pretty damn cool story. The places would make for some pretty cool "hideouts."
So the super odd part of this video is the photos that were found in it. At about the 8:30 mark, there's some unusual Polaroid photo's found....enjoy!
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