A video was submitted to us that shows a ring in the sky over Delcambre, south of Lafayette in Louisiana. The mysterious ring was directly over Lake Peignoir.

According to Frank Breaux, who submitted this video, the ring was the result of a transformer blowing in the area.

I don't know how this ring appeared in the sky, perhaps the wind had something to do with it, but this is odd.

Check out the video below, and note it does contain some NSFW language.

The narrator describes as he films:

Something blew up

Holy s****

That is freakin' wild

That's right over Lake Peignoir

A similar ring smoke phenomenon was captured in 2018 in Hunt County, Texas. The Herald-Banner shared a photo on their website and describes the incident:

The prevailing theory is that Nelson’s Fireworks was setting off one of the pyrotechnics they were planning to use during Saturday's show which was canceled. Some motorists reported seeing someone shooting off fireworks in the area about the same time.

NBC News also the smoke ring phenomenon in 2015 after a black ring was spotted in skies over Kazakhstan explaining that a ring of smoke would be caused by an explosion coming from a cylindrical object like a smokestack.

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