Would you Buy a Dybbuk Box from Ebay?
Would you ever consider buying something haunted, or creepy, off of eBay? If you have $50, you could buy a Haunted Dybbuk box.
What is a Dybbuk box?
A dybbuk box, is a box which is said to be haunted by a dybbuk.
A dybbuk is a restless, usually malicious, spirit believed to be able to haunt and even possess the living."
The box was the original inspiration for the 2012 film The Possession. You are NEVER suppose to open them. Ever.
Want To Buy One?
There is one on sale on eBay right now for $50. Here's the description:
Must not ever open! They are almost always very warm to the touch and give off a weird smell.
Check out some of the photos for more of a description.
Would You Ever Buy A Haunted Dybbuk Box From eBay?
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