Go Inside Abandoned New York School in Adirondack Foothillls
Go inside the abandoned elementary school in Herkimer that closed in the early 90s.
Dan Laroe of Northeastern Abandoned Exploration toured the school; a place students once went to learn that now sits littered with memories and decay. A few desks, chairs and lockers are still left behind. There's even a chalkboard with student's names that's been left untouched for more than 20 years.
The original building from 1878 on North Washington Street was replaced by the North school in 1923, according to 'Herkimer County Valley Towns.' It was renamed in 1956 for Loraine W Bills, the superintendent for 20 years. The school closed in 1991.
Laroe likes to capture old memories inside abandoned buildings around central New York. "Classic school buildings with huge classrooms and huge windows and the stories and memories those long hallways hold are easily my favorite to explore," says Laroe.
See more pictures at Northeastern Abandoned Exploration on Facebook or Dan Laroe's 'Under the Bridge' website utbddanlaroe.com.
Abandoned Herkimer Elementary School
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