Camden, New York, Family Finds Veteran’s Desert Storm Ring Hidden in Walls of Old Home
Old homes have so many stories hidden in the walls. For one family near Camden, New York, it also has a ring that once belonged to a Desert Storm vet.
Brendan and Caitlyn Schuler found a veteran’s ring in a plumbing compartment in their upstairs shower. "There’s no name, but the person served in Desert Storm 1991," said Caitlyn. "This could be an interesting history lesson trying to track down the owner."
Brendan found the ring neatly tucked in a box in the dead space. "He found it because the baby kept turning the water on in the tub for his bath, so he went in there to turn the water off," Caitlyn said.
The ring was tucked away in a necklace style jewelry box, covered in dust but wrapped up neatly. "Weird part is I have been in this compartment many times as we tore the ceiling below out and all new drains and water lines to the tub," said Brendan.
The Schuler's live in a home in Westdale, New York that was built in 1940s. "We have been in contact with the 3 previous owners & no one knows who it belongs to," Caitlyn said.
The inside of the ring says espc Sterling and is well worn. "We have information that rings were not given out so this was ordered for someone special."
Caitlyn hopes to find the owner and return the ring. "I definitely don’t give up easily."
If you recognize the ring or have any information, reach out to Caitlyn on Facebook so she can return it to its rightful owner.