These Are The Top 5 Haunted Places In Cheyenne, Wyoming
With all the history in Wyoming's capital city of Cheyenne and all the old architecture that we're blessed with that are still standing here, I wanted to know, what are the most haunted places in Cheyenne? If you're going to ask that question, you might as well ask the experts: Jose and Angel from PHOG (Paranormal Hunting and Observation Group) were very kind to let me know and give personal stories that have happened to them.
5. Cheyenne Train Depot
Most people have mentioned to me in some form of offhand conversation that this is one of the most haunted places in Cheyenne, and it checks out, according to my new friends at PHOG.
4. Eagle Lodge
A place I've never been to, probably because I'm not a member, but I'd like to give a look is the Eagle Lodge. And bonus points, apparently it's pretty haunted! Check out these creepy sounds from PHOG's investigation.
3. Ernie November
This indy record store and skate shop is another place I've meant to check out, I love records, but haven't made it over. According to my friends at PHOG, there is a door in the basement that likes to open on its own.
2. The Lincoln Theater
The owners of the Lincoln Theater have made that place absolutely gorgeous and I love how they brought back this beauty to life. But, what about the things there that aren't quite alive? According to PHOG, this is a very active place in Cheyenne.
1. The Atlas Theater
The tip of the iceberg for the most haunted places in Cheyenne is the Atlas Theater. This is the perfect haunted place with so much history, making it so active with spirits. Check out these videos from PHOG.

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