Indianapolis Has Forgotten the Abandoned, Overgrown Thunder Island Waterpark
Thousands of cars pass what was once the Thunder Island Waterpark on US 31 in the Indianapolis suburb of Westfield with no idea it was there.
The waterpark has become overgrown and lost to time. The park dates back to 1975 and included a Go Kart track, mini gulf and several waterslides. The park closed in 1993 and has been left to nature since then.
The MrRobinsonWrites blog which writes on abandoned sites in Indiana shares that today Thunder Island is
accessible only by foot from a small parking lot next to a cemetery plot, the waterpark is something of a local legend, forgotten by all but the most curious individuals.
The Indianapolis Star has also profiled the park and says that little remains but the pools, which are now murky brackish rainwater. Most of the park's buildings and slides are long gone.
They also have drone footage that shows the footprint of the rides and slides

Thunder Island Urban Explorations
A site like Thunder Island is, not surprisingly, a magnet for urban explorers.
This crew found waterslides now canvases for graffiti and a building still standing on the property.
A scan on Google Maps satellite view shows the Go Kart track and pools still visible if very overgrown.
This crew takes a longer look and shares some lore of the park.
What Thunder Island Looked Like When In Operation
This retro tv commercial shows off Thunder Island in its heyday including a jingle that might just get stuck in your head
Wake up, Indiana. Thunder Island's got the feel.
Wake up to Thunder Island where you feel it for real!
Explore More Abandoned
Take A Look Inside The Abandoned ShoppingTown Mall In Dewitt, NY
Proposers will need to have a demonstrated history of producing "high quality projects," according to the statement. They will also need to produce financial information related to the project."According to CNY Central, proposals are due by 4PM on April 27th. You can find them online here. Jordan Harmon was able to tour the property and take plenty of photos recently with permission from Onondaga County:
The main purpose of this shoot was to document this historical structure before any alterations occur. I grew up with this mall, I can remember coming here as a kid. This was the place my family did our back to school shopping and the place where I’d blow my allowance at Fun Junction playing laser tag. To see it now is shocking to say the least. The former owner of the mall clearly made no effort to maintain it, let alone stop the hundreds of leaks in the roof.
Tour an Abandonded Cemetery in Troy, New York
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