Corn Field is Turned Into Stranger Things Eddie Munson Artwork Somewhere Near Indianapolis
Stranger Things has become a true pop culture phenomenon, and even an Indiana field is celebrating a series favorite character.
Set in Indiana
While Stranger Things has not been filmed in the state of Indiana, the show is set in a fictional Indiana town called Hawkins. The town doesn't actually exist but there are several fan theories that speculate which parts of Indiana Hawkins may be based on.
According to a 2019 article from the Indianapolis Star, Stranger Things Creators, the Duffer Brothers came up with the fictional town of Hawkins after originally wanting a more coastal setting, but that was going to have much higher production costs. They also decided to go the route of a fake town because they didn't want to be bound by reality, and wanted to be able to have creative freedom over what happens.
While Stranger Things is set in the state of Indiana, the show is actually filmed in Georgia, however one Indiana corn field is paying tribute to this season of Stranger Things.
Eddie Munson Corn Art
While I promise not to give any actual spoilers away, I will say one stand-out character this season was Eddie Munson. We were introduced to Eddie Munson in season 4 of Stranger Things and I truly wonder if the creators of the show knew what a popular character Eddie would become.
I think many of us really connected with Edde's character because he's misunderstood. Eddie is the lovable loser. Little is known about Eddie's back story, but we do know he lives with his uncle leaving us to believe he may have come from a rough home life. Eddie has a bit of a tough exterior, but on the inside, he has a heart of gold. His character is the perfect addition to season 4. Plus he's a total metalhead, so he was really welcomed by the rock community.
It's only fitting Stranger Things celebrated Eddie by turning a corn field in Indiana into artwork featuring Eddie. Check out the video of the artwork created by artist Stan Herd, below! No word on where in Indiana this is, but according to the Stranger Things Facebook page, it's "somewhere in Indiana" and judging by the drone footage, I think they're telling the truth. And likely some knowledgable Hoosier will see something recognizable and suss out exactly where this is.
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