Ghostly Image Captured Near Richard Ramirez Site At Concordia in El Paso, Texas
Is this a ghostly image captured near the Richard Ramirez site where he would spend time at Concordia Cemetery?
Steeped in history, dating back to the mid-1850s, Concordia Cemetery in El Paso, Texas is estimated to hold over 60,000 gravesites with many Buffalo Soldiers, Chinese railroad workers, Freemasons, and even Jewish families buried within the cemetery.

It’s no secret that Concordia Cemetery has some strange and spooky activity going on, especially at night. The area is infamously known to be a hot spot for the paranormal and is said to be visited by sinister Satanists who practice their evil works, mainly because of the cemetery’s ties to Richard Ramirez, aka the Night Stalker.
Over the weekend, my brother, sister in law and niece participated in the Paso del Norte Paranormal Society / Ghosts 915 drive-thru at Concordia Cemetery. As they cruised by, my brother noticed a sort of greenish glow and quickly snapped a photo, thinking that nothing would appear. But, instead, a ghostly image did appear, and he, along with the drive-thru hosts, was in awe of what they saw.
In all fairness, when my brother shared the photo, I didn’t see anything until I took a closer look.
Below is the photo in question:
Below is our text conversation thread:
That’s right; it’s a dog!
I was purposely looking for a person’s image or even a child, but the more I looked at the photo, the more I saw a dog.
As it turns out, my brother took the picture at the very exact spot where Richard Ramirez is said to have committed his heinous satanic animal sacrifices at Concordia Cemetery.
I immediately got goose-bumps, especially since my family and I lived in Los Angeles when East L.A. residents beat the Night Stalker before being arrested in 1985.
Real or imaginary, Concordia Cemetery continues to be visited each year by locals and tourists alike, hoping to capture more than just a glimpse into the past.
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