Strange Objects Seen in the Sky over Fort Dix and Central New Jersey
We received an email on Sunday from a couple that lives in Chesterfield, New Jersey, asking if we had any reports of something strange in the sky on Saturday (June 25, 2022).
Here's a pic they included and part of what they saw.
I was at the kitchen sink and always watch the sky for hawks or eagles flying around because we have chickens to protect. At first, I saw it flying straight upward. Ft. Dix and Maguire are close and there has been lots of helicopter activity with the military getting their hard-ons due to possible impending chaos. I grabbed the binoculars to see it clearer, but they aren't the most powerful. Our house is also in the only dead zone in Chesterfield, so we never have our phones on because nothing comes thru, so a quick record wasn't possible. With the binoculars, I could see it was a V or Y shape, but it was twisting around rather like it was out of control. I thought maybe it was going to crash.
When it twisted a certain way, a row of red and white lights would flash that clearly weren't a reflection of the sun because it was only at a certain angle while the thing was twisting that they all came into view, only on one side of it.
The shape was very obvious, but it was getting higher and further away. My husband could also clearly see the shape with the binoculars, but with the naked eye, you could only see an "object" with the lights flashing every so often.
I keep the palm video recorder plugged into the wall on my bookcase just for whatever reason. I recorded the sky, but I couldn't see the thing thru that screen because it was so small. I just tried to line up the clouds in the view finder with my vision path.
Let us know if you saw something unusual in the skies over Central Jersey recently.
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