Haunted De Soto Hotel in El Paso, Texas is for Sale – Ghosts Included
Have you ever wanted to own a notorious and haunted hotel? Well, now is your opportunity. And not just any haunted hotel, either -- arguably the most haunted hotel in El Paso, Texas - the De Soto.
The hotel just hit the market, and it’s supposedly full of sinister things that go bump in the night.
The downtown property is allegedly so haunted, and its reputation of paranormal activity so great that when the popular paranormal television reality show Ghost Adventures came to El Paso in 2016 to film their annual Halloween episode, one of the two locations head ghost hunter Zak Bagans and his crew settled on was the De Soto.
Per the listing, the asking price is $1,099,899. It definitely needs a lot of work, but according to the description on the listing, the new owner has a few incentives at his or her disposal and the opportunity to "contribute to the boom of DT El Paso."
The famous hotel has 54 furnished rooms…[and]…comes equipped with secured code entry, laundry area, office work areas with a shared bathroom, [and] 5,000 sqft basement space
No mention of the ghostly goings-on, but ask any of El Paso’s paranormal groups and they’ll tell you the 100-plus-year-old property on Mills Avenue has some serious ghost action going on, particularly in the aforementioned basement.
There have been numerous reports from people entering the dark basement, which is used for storage but was allegedly where satanic rituals were once performed, being touched, scratched, and having pebbles thrown in their direction.
Leon Baker, whose group El Paso Ghost Tours conducts weekly ghost tours and paranormal investigations in the basement, recently posted about the activity he’s witnessed.
Many people ask us what kinds of paranormal activity occurs on our tour. Well, on an average tour our guests witness shadow figures, big and small. People get touched by unseen entities. Our guests have seen full body apparitions on occasion (it does not happen often, but it does happen). Our guests hear whispers in their ears, and sometimes everyone hears a disembodied voice. A more recent phenomenon we are all witnessing is a shifting, shimmering entity that moves through the room, and sometimes stands very near us.
If being a landlord to a few dozen living and breathing tenants -- and a few that aren't -- is on your bucket list and you can swing the million dollar asking price, reach out to the realtor, Juan Santiago, at Coldwell-Banker.
Yeah, clearly from the photos it’s a bit of a... well, let's call it a "fixer-upper," but, hey, free ghosts! Maybe Zac Bagans would be interested.

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