Mystery of Massive Seaside Park, New Jersey Washed Up Skull Solved
Yesterday, I broke the news about a mysterious item that washed up on Island Beach State Park. Speculation began that it could be a pterodactyl, a chupacabra, an alien, or some other creature. Today, the investigation has concluded and we have answers.
This skull, which appears to be 4 to 6 feet long, was found near the A2 beach access path by State Park Police. They took a pic, posted it to Facebook, and began an investigation. Today, we know more. It came from one of these:
Small humpback whalePterodactylBottlehead dolphinJimmy HoffaChupacabraAlien, Easter bunny hybridJersey Devil- Minke whale
Yep, the folks at Island Beach State Park confirm it comes from the "ventral (lower) jaw and skull of a Minke whale." Fascinating to see. I never knew they'd was ashore. I assumed bones would sink or somehow disintegrate (over time) into the ocean. Clearly, I'm wrong!
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