Explore the Secret Tunnels Connecting to Miss Hattie’s Bordello in Downtown San Angelo, Texas
Downtown San Angelo, Texas, like many cities, has tunnels underneath them. But unlike many cities, the tunnels were lost and forgotten until recently. New owners of the Jessie Rose Mercantile discovered tunnels underneath their business. Barbara Strain, owner of Sassy Fox and Jessie Rose came across these tunnels when she purchased the property. Strain says that the tunnels crisscross under the streets through many businesses, including a bank, the Cactus Hotel, and importantly, Miss Hattie's bordello.
This is major for San Angelo, as the men who used to run the tunnels are well known in San Angelo and local family members asked to keep the anonymity of the men.
It was strange to be in the basement knowing the history. The 'Wild West' era in San Angelo was notorious for murders, gambling, crime, and of course, brothels. Much of the notorious and nefarious activity is centered on Historic Block One, along Concho Avenue, north of the Concho River and riverwalk.
Commenters to the video had plenty of tunnel lore to share:
There used to be fallout shelters under the city hall & old sears buildings. The 1936 floods could have wiped most of downtown out. I would check under the oldest churches downtown.
There are many more tunnels than what is told here.
I heard from an elderly man several years ago that there were tunnels under Fort Concho.

About Miss Hattie's Bordello in San Angelo
Miss Hattie's establishment is now memorialized as a museum.
The Texas Bucket List shares,
Legend Jewelers in San Angelo has quite the legendary tales to tell about the bedrooms upstairs! Miss Hattie’s Bordello once held the jewels of the West and entertained many a fellow looking for rest and refreshment.
YouTube vlogger known as JK gives a video tour through some other tunnels in San Angelo. They may not be the same as the Block One tunnel system.
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