UFO Sightings Up Worldwide in November
According to the latest statistics released by the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), UFO sightings were up across the globe in November – but down in the United States.
One potential explanation for the increased reports could be that more people were looking toward the skies in November. There were several astronomical events including the Leonids meteor shower (November 16-17) and the penumbral lunar eclipse (November 29-30).
MUFON reports 428 sightings worldwide last month, as opposed to 414 global sightings in October. The U.S. was once again the leading country for UFO reports in November with 322 sightings, down from the 340 reported in October.
Canada had 34 sightings reported, the United Kingdom had 18 and Poland logged 13 reports.
California once again led the U.S. in sightings with 34 reports in November, down significantly from the 56 reported sightings in November. Texas (32), Florida (28), Arizona (19), New York (16), Ohio (15), North Carolina (14), Illinois (11), Michigan (10), and Pennsylvania (9) rounded out the top 10.
Once again, round craft was the most popular type of sighting, with 80 circular craft reported, 48 spherical craft, 27 star-like craft, 24 oval-shaped and 21 disc-shaped. There were 34 reports of triangle-shaped craft as well.
There was a slight increase in landings, hoverings or takeoffs reported with 15, up from 11 last month. And the number of sightings that involved entities more than doubled, up from six in October to 13 in November.

Anyone who has a sighting that they believe is an unidentified flying object should report it to both MUFON and the National UFO Reporting Center websites.
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